A three member Czech expedition has announced that they will be flying towards Pakistan to attempt to climb Muchu Chhish (7452 m), the highest unclimbed non-prohibited peak.
According to the latest update from the expedition’s Facebook page, they wrote, “You never know, what could happened yet. Absolutely complicated worldwide situation changed the plans for majority of us but actually it seems, that three brave climbers Pavel Kořínek, Jiří Janák and Pavel Bém will really fly towards Muchu Chhish adventure in few days. Stay tuned.”

Highest Unclimbed Non-Prohibited Peak.
Muchu Chhish (7452 m) is a mountain in the Batura- Muztagh sub-range in Karakoram mountain range, Pakistan. Located in a very remote region, only a handful of attempts have been made to reach the summit, none successful. The most recent attempt was in 2014 when English mountaineer Peter Thompson turned back reaching about 6,000 masl. Muchu Chhish is one of the tallest unclimbed mountains on Earth and is the tallest one of all that is not off limits due to religious or political prohibitions.